It's a snowy day in the neighborhood...We're going on our 4th day of below zero temperatures out here in the Chicago suburbs which is probably why I'm so antsy for spring to show her shades of green. I'm forcing hyacinth bulbs in almost every room of the house, none have bloomed yet, but I'm patiently waiting!

So we decided to take advantage of this snowy weather particularly because we have cabin fever so bad. So we got all bundled which took at least 10 minutes, but it was all worth it just for this precious photo of Abs. I think she's trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue! And can I just say that I had to drag her in the house after a half hour! Needless to say she slept great last night.
sooooo cute!!i'm sooo ready for spring...imagine 60 degree weather with a light breeze!!
I need to check this more often!! Abi is such a cutie!! And I miss her!!
Grandma K.
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