Monday, February 5, 2007

Happy BIRTHday

Welcome to the world Will David and Happy Birthday Jessica Jean! Yesterday was a great day in the world. My beautiful sister Christina gave birth to her second son, Will. He is a healthy boy who slept 6 hours his first night. Reese did a great job and even felt well enough to watch the Superbowl. No epidural or anything- triple wow. That's all I can say having gone through childbirth myself.
My other beautiful sister Jessica's birthday is tomorrow. She spent the weekend with us which was a real treat. I made her some chocolate cupcakes with vanilla butter cream frosting-super sugar high- but delightful nonetheless. Happy Bday Will & Jess. Love you lots.


Anonymous said...

Angie--You are a beautiful person! Sweet & thoughtful...(I'm lucky to have four great daughters!)
I enjoy your blog...cute pictures!


Jennifer said...

Angie - what a fun blog - and I agree - Jessica (didn't know it was Jean, may have to use that in the future!) is an amazing girl - I'm glad to know her, and to get to know you through her!
Jennifer (thefairymum)