I went to Lowes the other day and bought 18 packets of seeds. I've done this before and either the seeds don't grow (of course it couldn't be me!) or I forget to plant, water or talk gently to them. I just don't have good luck with seeds, so if you're reading this and have a tip or two, please send them along. But, this year is different somehow. I'm really going to try to be intentional with my precious little seedies.

One project I'd really like to do (come Spring) is make these beanpole tepees. Sorry about the fuzziness of the photo. It's actually a picture of a picture, but I wanted to give a good idea of what I'm talking about. I got a packet of seeds called asparagus beans and each BEAN is supposed to be a YARD long! Can't wait for that. I'll be sure to post about it if I'm successful. This was taken a few years ago at
Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home. He was quite a gardener and if you ever get a chance to see his home, I'd recommend it. I was completely inspired and think about it often.

So I decided to start my stash of seeds indoors to get a jump start on the season. I used these handy peat containers that can actually be planted outdoors when the time comes. Exciting!

Here's the finished product of the indoor phase. Now if I can just remember to water.
1 comment:
I love your blog, Ang! I have spring fever, too! Just a few more weeks.....
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