Friday, March 30, 2007

Simple Sewing

A few months back I went to Joann's to get inspired from some fabric. I decided I was going to buy 1/3 of a yard of whatever fabric I loved, not caring if they matched anything in my house or each other. Lately I've been loving the designs of British designer Cath Kidston. She uses a lot of vintage flowery fabrics. I whipped up these kitchen valances in an afternoon. Not sure of them yet, but they only cost a couple bucks, so I won't feel so bad if I change them out in a few months.

My next project was making aprons for Abi and me. Abi is a much better model (I didn't teach her that pose, she's just that natural) so I decided to show off her apron. Mine is a blue-green fabric. I still need to add some front pockets to both, but I think they came out pretty well and just in time, too, as Abigail loves to help out in the kitchen.


Jessica said...
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Jennifer said...

So cute! I can't wait to get my sewing machine out of storage and begin creating such lovely things again!